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Installing the Tool

A dotnet CLI tool, called fsharp-analyzers, is used to run analyzers outside the context of an IDE. Add it to your tool-manifest with:

dotnet tool install fsharp-analyzers --create-manifest-if-needed

Installing Analyzers

Suggested Packages

  1. Ionide Analyzers
  2. G-Research Analyzers


If you are using Nuget as your package manager, add the PackageReference pointing to your favorite analyzers to the .fsproj file of the project you want to analyze.

<PackageReference Include="G-Research.FSharp.Analyzers" Version="0.12.1">
<PackageReference Include="Ionide.Analyzers" Version="0.28.0">


If you are using Paket as your package manager, add the package to your paket.dependencies file. The example below uses a paket group, but it is not required.

group analyzers
    source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json

    nuget Ionide.Analyzers
    nuget G-Research.FSharp.Analyzers


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